Is This the Best Burger in Kraków?

It's chaotic, open late, and absolutely delicious. I may have found the best burger in Kraków.

Ever since tossing back one of my top smash burgers ever (at Smashny Burger in Warsaw), I’ve been on a burger kick (to say the least). So, I’ve hit the ground running during my first several weeks in Kraków in search of a burger that is actually worth the nearly USD 10-plus price tags I’ve been encountering across Poland. 

And, I think I’ve found a contender for the best burger in the city over at Beef Burger Bar in Kazimierz. 

It has its hooks so deep into me that I’ve actually been structuring my runs to end at Plac Nowy, the bustling concrete food and beverage monolith located in the heart of Kraków’s Jewish Quarter. 

Controlled Beefy Chaos in Kazimierz

I wish I had a side profile like that.

When I first approached Beef Burger Bar, I wasn’t even sure I was going to enter as I was looking to post up somewhere with a burger, a few beers, and call it a night. However, a towering, grizzly Krakówian stumbled out of this small hole-in-the-wall holding a cheeseburger that looked ready to be curled to failure. It was one sturdy, girthy, beefy boy (the burger). 

Now, if you’ve read the blog then you know that mayonnaise is my kryptonite, and one of my biggest worries with ordering a burger in a new country is communicating properly that mayonnaise may cause me to lose my superhuman strength and cute chin dimple. 

To quote Charlie Kelly from It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, “The words get all blocked up in my mouth. I don’t say it no good. So…”. Here’s a video I made that shows Beef Burger Bar in all its glory.

I’m an American werewolf in Kraków so the ‘American Style Burger’ caught my eye amongst a Murderers’ Row of burger heavyweights. It comes loaded with 3x slices of sharp cheddar cheese that cascades over perfectly cooked medium-thick patties (the cook sits somewhere between medium and medium-rare), onions, pickles, and a one-two punch of 1000 Island dressing and their homemade burger sauce (I opted against both). 

You know it’s a damn good burger when it can stand on the merits of the beef (and cheese) alone. It also helps that a sweet, pillowy brioche cradles this burger baby, gently rocking it to sleep before yours truly goes full crocodile at a waterhole feeding frenzy on it. 

Thicker than a bowl of oatmeal.

You’ll also find classic burgers/cheeseburgers that are dialed-down versions of the ‘American’, along with a ‘Zygmunt Bell’ BBQ burger for caramelized onion and tangy barbecue sauce lovers, and even an ‘Italian Style Burger’ for those who always wondered what a Caprese salad would look like sitting atop a bovine.  

Beef Burger Bar’s thick-cut fries are nearing ‘steak chip’ territory in thickness yet are still able to retain their moisture. They aren’t overly greasy and sport a nice little exterior snap when biting in, so you’re not going to end up with a dry clump of potatoes that make you feel like you’re eating your way through cotton balls. 

Finally, Beef Burger Bar is vegetarian-friendly, offering up a highly customizable halloumi burger along with various sides (frytki - fries being the main culprit), so everyone in your party can experience this beefy goodness (even sans-beef).

Website, Address, & Details: 

  • Location: Warszauera 1, 31-057 Kraków

  • Price: $ - Burgers range from 25 złoty to 40 złoty, which I consider to be an absolute steal. It’s very fairly priced for the quality of beef, creativity of burgers, and size. Plus, meal combo deals (burger, fries, and drink) make this place even more affordable.

Pale Ale Travel Note: The only major thing I’d mention is that Beef Burger Bar does not serve alcohol. But I think with this being a late-night burger spot that operates on a “get in and get out” as quickly as possible basis, it’s for the best and could lead to more issues than benefits. Plus, there are plenty of bars that are less than a 2-minute walk from the shop, so there’s no shortage of booze. 

If You’re All About That Beef in Kraków…

The first time I ate here I actually doubled back to grab another burger to go and eat at home because it was just that good. That’s not because the first burger isn’t enough for a single normal human being but mainly because I’m a masochist who enjoys pushing the limits of his Marks & Spencer belt.  

In my subsequent trips, I haven’t made that same grave mistake again and have made sure to order two burgers at once so I can double-palm them like Arnold and a set of 40-pound dumbbells. 

So, is this the best burger in Kraków? I don’t think it’s crazy to say it’s a top contender and very well could be.

If you’re in Kraków and looking for not only a reliable late-night burger joint but one that doesn’t compromise on quality, girth, or creativity, then Beef Burger Bar is your place. Or, let me know your favorite burger in the city and I’ll definitely try to check it out! 

Eat well everyone,

Big Body